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Google Flutter, Google Flutter Stateful Widgets -

Introduction In the previous article we introduced stateless widgets and how they can be used. Now it is time to introduce the more advanced stateful widgets. Stateful widgets are not used as often as stateless widgets but they tend to be more important as they are what makes the ui responsive to user input. Stateful widgets are useful when the part of the user interface you are describing can change dynamically. User interfaces need to respond to a variety of things: The user doing something in the user interface. Receiving data from another computer. Time passing. Examples of Stateful Widgets...

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Cupertino, Google Flutter, Material Design -

What Are Widgets? Introduction Widgets are really configuration objects rather than graphic objects. When you write a Widget, it is not just directly rendered on screen, it’s not as direct as that. You write them and they configure the user interface then Flutter gets them rendered on screen. Anyway lets not put the cart before the horse yet. Lets talk about the problem of creating a slick userinterface and the how design languages attempt to provide a solutionsm to these recurring problems. User Interface Design Languages Designing user interfaces is difficult but many user interfaces follow the same pattern. Just...

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Google, Google Flutter, google packages -

Introduction In Dart, you don’t have to develop everything from scratch. There is a packaging system where developers can develop packages and publish them. Other people can then use these packages. Website When someone writes a package and it is published to the site, developers can declare a dependency to that project and pull it into their project as a dependency. Then the user can add imports at the top the files to import code and use it. Note that Dart and Flutter packages follow semantic versioning rules. Core Packages Flutter comes with many packages by default. These are...

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Google, Google Flutter, Hot Reload -

Introduction This is a very short chapter, but it contains valuable information that you will use all the time. When are running a Flutter app and you make code changes, you can tell your editor to reload them. That is the subject of this chapter. Hot Reloads In fact, one of the great things about Dart is its ability to hot reload code. The Official Documentation Says: Flutter’s hot reload feature helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs. Hot reload works by injecting updated source code files into the running Dart Virtual Machine (VM)....

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Google, Google Flutter -

Introduction You can create a Flutter project from your IDE or from the command line. The default project displays a counter. You can increment the counter by hitting the floating &quote;+&quote; button on the bottom right. Lets create this Flutter project and take a review of the folders and files that are created for you. Install Your Editor For me, its between Android Studio (heavy but comprehensive) and Visual Studio code (lighter weight). Flutter SDK Download the Flutter SDK and unzip it into a folder. Add that folder plus 'bin' to your path in your shell script. For example on...

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