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Asynchronous Processing, Dart, Google, Google Flutter -

What is Asynchronicity? It is the ability to do multiple things at the same time. UI Thread A thread is a thread of execution in a program. It is some programming that does something. When you have a user interface, it has a single thread that accepts user input from the user (in the form of events) and updates the user interface (rendering). This is known as the UI thread. Synchronous Operations A synchronous operation blocks a process till the operation completes. If you add a synchronous operation to a UI thread then it stops the UI from repainting, responding...

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Google, Google Flutter, Object Orientated -

Object-Orientated Language Features Modules Unlike Java and C#, Dart allows you to declare multiple objects within a single Dart file. This has made our example code a single cut-n-paste! Private Classes, Variables & Methods Unlike Java, Dart doesn't have the keywords public, protected, and private to specify the visibilities of fields or properties. If a class name, instance variable or method starts with an underscore, it's private and cannot be accessed outside the Dart file in which it is declared. You should replace: class ContactInfo {   private String name;   private String phone; } with class ContactInfo { String _name;   String...

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Dart, Google, Google Flutter -

Introduction Dart Combines Lists and Arrays In Dart, a List is an ordered Collection (sometimes called a sequence). Unlike other languages, an Array and a List have been combined together and are the same thing. A list is a number of items (objects) in an unordered structure. Additional items can be added to the list. Items can be updated or removed from the list if required. Lists may contain duplicate elements. Iterators You can use an iterator to go through the list items one by one programatically. As a developer, you will use iterators all the time. Example Note how the List in the example below (containing items...

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Dart, Google, Google Flutter -

The mainstream Dart web development route is now writing code with Dart but compiling and running as JavaScript using webdev, which works with the build_runner utility.   Installing You will have to install the webdev package using the pub dependency manager: pub global activate webdev   This installs webdev and makes sure it is available on the command line.   Commands webdev serveRuns a development server that continuously builds a web app. webdev buildBuilds a deployable version of a web app. build_runner testRuns tests.   JavaScript Compilers When you invoke webdev, it invokes the dart2js and dartdevc JavaScript compilers in combination...

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Dart, Google, Google Flutter -

Name Description dart Enables you to execute a .dart file within the Dart Virtual Machine. dart2js Compiles dart source code to JavaScript. dartanalyser Analyses dart source code. This is used by many of the code editors to provide error and warning highlighting. dartdevc Compiles dart source code to JavaScript. Similar to dart2js except that it supports incremental compilation, which lends itself to developers. dartdoc Generates Dart documentation from source code.  As the seminal book ‘Domain-Driven Design’ by Eric Evans states: ‘the code is the model and the model is the code’. dartfmt Formats Dart source code. This is used by...

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